People aren't always who they appear.
An ultra-conservative turns out to be the biggest spy in the history of the FBI in this suspense movie really that packed a punch, but needed still a bit more oomf. While Breach was certainly not a waste of my time, there was still something lacking in its presentation. I think it didn’t have enough of the “love/emotion” part to really appeal to women; neither did it have enough action or ultra-suspense to appeal to men. It was overall just “pretty good” and achieved a “pretty good” response from the audience. The story was good, but I think everyone was either expecting a bigger twist, or more shooting/running/explosions, which there was very little if not none. Overall I liked it, but don’t go in to this expecting The Bourne Identity or anything, after all it is based on a true story, and they can only push it so far.
I did find Chris Cooper wonderfully troubling and creepy, his character was a very Christian, straight-laced guy from the outside but was really trading secrets with the Russians underneath it all. Maybe it was because I haven’t seen many of his films but I totally believed him as the bible thumping Robert Hanssen. I hated him, but understood him at the same time. The look in his eyes was always convincing and never wavered. He was dead on.
Ryan Philippe on the other hand was… acceptable. He’s good to look at, but I felt like he was trying a little too hard. He played the “go get em’” FBI clerk very well, but the troubled husband was less believable. He was good, but I found him a bit boring. Not much else to say.
I was a little upset that they left some things unanswered, like why he was sending tapes of his wife to other people, or what exactly he was telling the Russians, but as far as movies these days go I felt the ending was quite just. They caught the bad guy and the good guy realized what was really important in life. This was a lovely movie with heart and suspense, which almost anyone can enjoy. It wasn’t confusing, it wasn’t too long, it didn’t drag all that much, and it wasn’t overly graphic or gruesome, a decent movie that was fun to watch and kept my brain on its toes. Go see it. As Robert Hanseen might say, gosh golly why the heck not?
I did find Chris Cooper wonderfully troubling and creepy, his character was a very Christian, straight-laced guy from the outside but was really trading secrets with the Russians underneath it all. Maybe it was because I haven’t seen many of his films but I totally believed him as the bible thumping Robert Hanssen. I hated him, but understood him at the same time. The look in his eyes was always convincing and never wavered. He was dead on.
Ryan Philippe on the other hand was… acceptable. He’s good to look at, but I felt like he was trying a little too hard. He played the “go get em’” FBI clerk very well, but the troubled husband was less believable. He was good, but I found him a bit boring. Not much else to say.
I was a little upset that they left some things unanswered, like why he was sending tapes of his wife to other people, or what exactly he was telling the Russians, but as far as movies these days go I felt the ending was quite just. They caught the bad guy and the good guy realized what was really important in life. This was a lovely movie with heart and suspense, which almost anyone can enjoy. It wasn’t confusing, it wasn’t too long, it didn’t drag all that much, and it wasn’t overly graphic or gruesome, a decent movie that was fun to watch and kept my brain on its toes. Go see it. As Robert Hanseen might say, gosh golly why the heck not?
Overall (out of 10):

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